Sorry I've been MIA on my personal blog. I've been contributing a lot to a forum that I belong to, and every time I plan to update this blog I get distracted with something else.
We are a few weeks out from the wedding, and things are going pretty smooth. I am out of town for work for a week right now which has proven to be good and bad. Bad because I have wedding stuff I should be doing at home. Good because it's given me time to think about things other than the wedding, court, the BM, and skids. A much needed mental break!
I have had the good fortune of being able to do a few long runs outside the past few days and they have invigorated me. I was feeling really tired and bogged down by all of the constant "stuff" going on, and it was nice to grab my iPod, lace up my shoes, and head out into the fresh air. No cell phone, no people, no drama! I'll be so happy when the weather cools where I live so that I can get some similar fresh air at home!
With a free evening I took myself out to dinner and a movie. I saw Eat Pray Love. I enjoyed it. It was the perfect movie to see alone and to give me a new outlook on some things in my life. I'll be so happy when the wedding is over because I'm looking forward to having some of my time/life back to do the things I really enjoy instead of deciding if our cocktail napkins need to be personalized or not and other stupid shit I could really care less about.
I've got 2 weeks left of work and then 3 weeks off. I'm LIVING for that vacation right now. FH has been more frustrated than ever with work, and frankly, I'm so ready to not talk about negative shit (work, BM, skids, family, friends) for at least 2 whole weeks!
Things with the skids are going great. FH and BM will be going back to court after our honeymoon to hopefully finalize the year long change in custody. Good news is that the kids might be talking to the judge so that BM can no longer manipulate them. We'll see what happens. The skids are excited about the wedding and standing up with FH and I can't wait to see it all pan out and have them part of it. I'm leaving a few days before them to avoid any possible mama drama, and can't wait!
Wish me luck ladies :)
Good luck with the wedding, and have a great time! It's cool the stepkids are so excited. I want my boyfriend's kids to be active in our wedding too (someday) :)
ReplyDeleteHi, me again...just wanted to check in. Hope all is well and as drama-free as possible! :)